Terms & Conditions

Please carefully read the following terms and conditions before you choose Ivy Blossom Recruits for your job search needs. By placing an order with Ivy Blossom Recruits, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions:

1. Turnaround time:
a. Essentials Package: The current turnaround time for resume writing services is approximately 10 business days from the date of payment and receipt of the completed intake paperwork.
b. Professional and Executive Packages: The current turnaround time for LinkedIn profile optimization is 2 business days after your job search materials are delivered.

c. Expedited service: Resume turnaround time is 2 business days. LinkedIn profile turnaround time is 2 additional business days.
d. This turnaround time is dependent on your ability to respond promptly to any follow-up questions Ivy sends you via email after you pay and submit your paperwork. Longer turnaround times may occur if Ivy is on vacation, needs to take sick time or bereavement leave, or if she has jury duty.

2. Process:
a. This process is not live. Ivy does not engage in phone calls or video chats during the service.
b. Resume writing service: Upon completing the Uncover Your Value & Define Your Personal Brand workbook, Ivy will review your answers in the Google Doc and leave comments with any questions she has.
c. LinkedIn optimization service: You will create a temporary password for your LinkedIn account, share it with Ivy for her to make the optimization updates, and then change your password to something new once the modifications are complete. Ivy will never share your temporary password.
d. Upon receipt of your job search documents, the process is complete, and the product is considered final. Multiple drafts or revisions are not included in the service. The version Ivy provides represents her expert opinion on what would be the most effective resume and LinkedIn profile for your job search.
e. Your resume will be delivered in PDF and .docx formats. Any resume customizations you make should be made in the desktop version of Microsoft Word. If you use Office 365 or Google Docs, the formatting will not carry over correctly. You can purchase the downloadable version of Word for PC or Mac by using this link.

3. Sales and refunds:
a. All sales are final. Once payment is submitted, Ivy Blossom Recruits is not obligated to refund the services, even if you secure a new job or change your mind. If you change your mind, you may request that your service be donated to someone who cannot afford these job search services.

4. Payment and document submission:
a. If you purchase a service and fail to pay and return your completed Personal Brand Workbook and Uncover Your Value Questionnaire within 10 days, your service may be donated to someone who cannot afford these job search services.
b. Standard pricing may not apply if you wish to target multiple job titles, as you may need a separate resume for each. In such cases, please email ivy@ivyblossomrecruits.com for a custom quote tailored to your needs.

5. Proofreading and verification:
a. You are responsible for proofreading, finalizing, and verifying the accuracy of your documents before submitting them for job applications or networking.
b. You have the discretion to choose whether or not to use any advice, suggestions, or documents provided by Ivy Blossom Recruits.

6. Success and liability:
a. Ivy Blossom Recruits does not guarantee success in securing a job utilizing these services and documents, as hiring outcomes depend on various factors beyond Ivy's control, such as job seeker interview skills, hiring manager preferences regarding things like education level and length of employment, etc.
b. Ivy’s service offers her professional opinion and guidance based on your unique circumstances. The choice to implement the advice and documents is entirely up to you.
c. Hiring decisions are subjective, and there is no universally accepted “correct” method to create a resume or LinkedIn profile. It is important to acknowledge that achieving unanimous approval from all recruiters and hiring teams for job search materials is an impractical expectation, given the substantial variations in personal preferences and perspectives.
d. Ivy Blossom Recruits is not liable for any injury or damage caused by the services, advice, or documents. Your use of the materials is at your own discretion and risk.

7. Privacy and promotional materials:
a. Your privacy is of the utmost importance. Your resume may be used in promotional materials, but all personal details, company names, and dates of employment will be fictionalized to protect your privacy. Your LinkedIn profile URL will never be given out, as there is no way to anonymize it.

By using the job search documentation services of Ivy Blossom Recruits, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. If you don’t agree with any part of these terms and conditions, please don't use the services of Ivy Blossom Recruits.

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